At DeliverThat we call our clients are our partners. To succeed with delivery it must be a partnership, ensuring success with a delivery provider comes with that title, a partnership.
Top, Down
“Rome wasn’t built in a day.” The nature of delivery is complex and learning how to work with a delivery provider takes time. Turning that provider into a partner is the goal and investing in the partnership from the top, down is the first step to success. The importance of the partnership must be communicated to all leaders in the organization. If the team is not bought in, then there will be issues at every turn.
Trusting a provider to represent the brand is a commitment. Troubleshooting channels must be established to maintain restaurant brands’ standards. Committing to feedback in forms of status calls and training are ways to accomplish any non-time-sensitive issues.
Learning the delivery service’s operations will allow the partnership to thrive as volume increases and expansion continues. Sharing Standard Operating Procedures, training videos and more will allow each party to truly understand how success is achieved.
This system will allow any restaurant to focus on the standards that are most important to the brand. Goals may include: brand representation, establishing a customer base, increasing order capacity, or simply keeping existing customers, the 3 Tiered Delivery Strategy will set the framework to hit every goal.
Primary Delivery Providers should be handling 80%-100% of delivery volume. This delivery provider should have a strong trust level when it comes to overall service and understanding the brand's expectations.
Secondary Delivery providers should be handling 10%-20% of delivery volume. Still maintaining a high level of trust and service expectations.
Overflow is used for just that when the primary and secondary delivery option cannot handle the delivery. Typically this is seen in holiday influx and last-minute delivery requests.
To create a winning delivery strategy, backups are important when restaurants are faced with last-minute orders or problems. The 3 Tier Delivery Strategy will provide brands the confidence necessary to execute and sell more catering.