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DeliveringMore Episode 31: Matt Plapp, ABR


On last week’s episode of DeliveringMore, we had the privilege of having the CEO of America’s Best Restaurants, Matt Plapp, join us. During the episode, we discussed everything from the Cincinnati Chilli battleground to Matt’s background in digital marketing and the expansion of his company ABR. Knocking out this interview on our second take, our team couldn’t thank Matt enough for making the time for us over a two-week span.

Here are a few highlights:

On his favorite Chilli in Cincinnati - “I’m a Dixie Chilli’s in Northern Kentucky where I’m at on this side of the Ohio River. We call it the best side…if I had to pick my top, I would say Dixie Chilli number one, and then I would probably go Emperor’s Chilli, another smaller one over here number two, and then I would probably say Skyline 3, Goldstar 4.”

On his Digital Marketing background - “I need you to go back and figure out how you’re number one everywhere on the internet right now for anything we search Yamaha…So I go back to Glenn, and Glenn’s like, Matt, it’s called SEO…Search Engine Optimization…in their eyes, because of your massive activity in these chat Google’s mind, you guys are the biggest asset on the internet for this topic…When I learned what that meant, I just threw gas on the fire.”

On America’s Best Restaurants Expansion - “We had become a one-trick pony, that was a crutch. And we said there are two ways we can change this…Number one, we can go from being a one-trick pony with those 13 tools and go to 51 and showcase the 51. Here’s what we did at Hofbrahaus. Here’s why their stuff worked so well. And then the other aspect of it was that we saw they didn’t have content. And I said I got an idea...I want to resurrect America’s Best Restaurants the roadshow.”

If you want to watch the entire episode, click the link below.

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