DeliverThat had a very successful month in February and saw expansion into the city of Indianapolis. The total amount of territories DeliverThat covers is now at 7 which include; Cleveland, Akron, Canton, Cincinnati, Columbus, Pittsburgh, and Indianapolis. It's very exciting being a part of the aforementioned growth as it brings new challenges and new opportunities. This growth has been welcomed by the DeliverThat team; however, it has not come without its own unique challenges. Because of the rapid growth that has been occurring within the company, DeliverThat is constantly on the prowl for reliable drivers who want to supplement their income and work at their own convenience. It's enthralling to be a part of something so special and that feeling is reciprocated by all of those who are associated with DeliverThat. Growth is happening and it's happening fast. If the month of February has taught the DeliverThat team anything, it is to be ready for the ride of a lifetime.